24-11-2007, 03:39 PM
Didn't we lose track of this ?
Now, here it goes :
2007/10 :
Now, here it goes :
2007/10 :
Quote:the Tocotronic show is blowing my ear holes out! every night is the best night ever and the people are great. I'm writing this from Vienna backstage after my show. i can hear Toco downstairs and all the thousands of people screaming. its so loud through the walls. i have a beer and my typewriter right next to me. i was floating again on stage tonight. my little feets didnt even touch the ground once.
Hello my dear friend,
can you guess what i am doing these days?
i am on the Tocotronic tour now. everyday we drive a bit then go to the club and hang out and make jokes and eat cookies and drink tea and beer and then we sound check then i play my show and its soooo much fun because i love that guitar and i love to plug it into my amp and make loud sounds.
then i watch Tocotronic play from the side of the stage. they are great every night and really the nicest people in the whole world. its good to be on tour with people like them. always smiling and happy with only nice things to say....strange!
i have my first book for sale at the merch booth every night and they are selling like crazy. my book is called "3GIRLS". and while Tocotronic sound checks i am writing my 2nd book page by page every day. Oh and i got a new haircut yesterday by Adeline.
ill write you again soon to tell you new things as they happen
your best friend,