J. Larkin Review - Sweet receiver EP
By Franck on Thursday 20 September 2001, 00:13 - Reviews - Permalink
B. Balthazar is the singer / guitar player for a criminally overlooked band called Chokebore. This EP was intended to be a teaser for a full length solo record, but it appears that plans for the LP have been scrapped (so Balthazar and company can focus on writing and recording a new Chokebore album this year) and we're left with just these three beautifully unique pop songs (that, incidentally, sound nothing like anything Chokebore have done so far) and a promise of what I can only hope will come later. I guess Balthazar put up the money himself to finance this EP because he produced it and played all of the instruments on it himself and it looks like the art was made on and printed off of someone's home computer or something. Look, instead of wasting six dollars on another "tall" cup of gourmet coffee / pack of cigarettes combo tomorrow morning like you normally do each day, why not send it to Mr. Balthazar and get a CD in return that may very well change your life (or, at the very least, make it a little more bearable)? Why not go crazy and send Punk iN My Vitamins a few dollars more for Chokebore's Black Black CD [go to chokebore.net to find out where to send money]? I can't say enough good things about this EP or Chokebore, so this is as good a place as any to stop writing this review already. God bless you for reading this far...
Joseph Larkin - September 2001