3 shows announced: the first one is a tribute to Elliott Smith's "Figure 8" with Troy von Balthazar, Ken Stringfellow (The Posies) and Jason Lytle (Grandaddy). See shows page for details.
TvB contributes to an upcoming book about Nirvana
Troy Von Balthazar is one of the major contributors among the 210 musicians interviewed by Nick Soulsby for his new book "I Found My Friends: The Oral History of Nirvana", to be released on March 31. Sounds like an interesting read for Nirvana and Chokebore fans!
More on Troy's contribution to the book at
See also: the post from the author and a link to buy the book.
AmRep documentary
Troy also contributed to the Amphetamine Reptile Records (Chokebore's first label) documentary film.
New album
Troy is currently in the middle of recording his next TvB album in his flat in Berlin. He has some nice old machines that are helping him to make it sound good.